Welcome to the info page for our Truckee house. We are happy to share with friends and family, but we don’t rent the house generally, and there is no “manager” to open and close it for you.. Therefore, we expect more of our guests, in terms of cleanup, etc., than a normal short term rental would.

If you’re coming to the house, enter through the person door in the garage, and then through a second door into the house. Both are secured by electronic locks. You should have received the key code. The locks are simple enough, but if you have any trouble, see here and here.
In summer you can use the main front door after arrival, but in winter it should remain shut (it’s usually blocked by snow anyway).
Full instructions on opening and closing the house, as well as lots of other useful info, are here. It is especially critical that you close the house properly when you leave, as per those instructions. Here is a checklist that you may find helpful.
There is a hot tub out back. Instructions for using it are here. If you do use it, be sure to lock it with the straps when you leave. Lock instructions here.
The TV setup is stupidly complex. Instructions here.